Medical Assistance in Dying: Part Onewith Rev. Roberta, Dying with Dignity, and Janice CraigTalking about death is always an awkward subject for us in today's society. There are hundreds of things we would rather talk about. But that is the struggle with death; the conversations are never convenient and always incredibly important.Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD) is one such conversation that we should have. It is an increasingly common option for Canadians, at the same time that our population is aging and we deal with the Covid era. Today we are joined by Susan Desjardins of Dying with Dignity, and Janice Craig the Bereavement Coordinator of Kawartha Lakes. Rooster Crows is a production from Lawrence Park Community ChurchCo-Hosts Roberta Howey and Stephen MiltonThis episode is written, hosted, and edited by Roberta Howey Lawrence Park Community Church https://www.lawrenceparkchurch.ca/Dying With Dignity https://www.dyingwithdignity.ca/Kawartha Lakes Hospice Care https://www.ccckl.ca/services/hospice/